This year we will be putting an emphasis on Small Groups. This will include promoting them better, improved organization, tracking the success and providing ongoing leader training.
If you currently lead or you are planning on leading a small group this year we would like you to join us for a Small Group Leader Training. There will be 3 classes. The first class will take place on Sunday, January 12 and continue the following 2 Sundays, January 19 and 26. They will meet in the Gathering Room at 10am.
If you are currently leading a Small Group please make time to attend the at least one of the classes (we would like to encourage you to attend all 3) so that you can interact with our Small Group team. We also would like to know all of your Small Group information so we can offer support and help promote your group.
Please sign up by clicking the link below. If you need more information contact Kelcey Bumbalough at 865/363-5461.
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